Windber High School Class of 54
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Mr. Bounds' Message To The Seniors

  Seniors, your have now finishing an important period of your experience, you are entering a new phase of your life. Infancy, childhood, and adolescence have passed. Sooner or later all of us have to make decisions. Some of you will soon need to decide what the next stretch of the road is to be. For some it will be college or other type of specialized training for others it will likely be some kind of employment.
  If you go to College, be sure you know why you want to go and where you want to go, and adopt this simple formula when you get there.
  Be where you are supposed to be at the time you are supposed to be there, fully prepared to do what you are supposed to be doing.
  Whether in college or at other work; concentrate on your own development of your mental, physical and spiritual resources.
  Remember that while you are preparing for something you are becoming something. While you are preparing for life, you are also living a life and that life ought to be just as rich and full of the right kind of experiences as you can possibly make it.
  We shall continue to be interested in you after graduation to listen to your telecast from Station Y. O. U.
  Clyde E. Bounds

Mr. Cassler's Message


  Will it be your best or your second best? There is within each individual the urge, push or desire to do your best. The realization of of our ideals or having our heart's desire comes from this mental attitude of desiring what we are headed toward. A man will remain a street cleaner as long as he has only the vision of a street cleaner. All work is honorable but do not be satisfied unless you are doing your best. It is the urge, the push within us, which continually prodding us to do our best and refuses to accept our second best. You are expected always to do your best. It will require effort on your part but it will be worth it. Applying yourself and refusing to accept second best will bring a brighter and richer tomorrow.
  E. B. Cassler

Two Clubs Elect

Two clubs have already elected their officers for next year.
  The Future Nurses of America's new president is Colleen Berkebile. The vice president, secretary and treasurer will be elected next year.
  The new officers of the year EC Club are president, Veronica Kosterko, vice president, Antoinette DiJiacomo; treasurer, Louise Kush; secretary, Virginia Campitell.
  George Washington. was appointed Commander-In-Chief by Congress while it was convening in Philadelphia.


  On April 17th, we seniors leave one phase of our life behind us and embark on a new one. There are many things to look forward to, but first we must say farewell to the pwst. Let us never forget all the wonderful discoveries we made in the past years
  Do you remember the beginning of our school years - first grade, our first history lesson? - The sixth grade and the end of our elementary schooling?
  I know you won't forget junior high and our new feeling of sophistication. Then came our freshman year and our final acceptance into the high school crowd. Now, as seniors we go on our way to higher schools of life and education.
  Farewell to our teachers, Mr. Cassler, our school, and of course, the under classmen. Farewell and God go with you.
  Established 1926 Published in Windber, Penna.
by the Journalism Class
The Students of Windber High School
Editor ----------------------------------------------------- Lillian Zvolerin
Co-Editor ------------------------------------------- Barbara McDowell
Feature Editor ------------------------------------------- Donna Kough
Exchange Editors --------- Frances Novak and Mary Ann Landi
Sports Editors -------------- Robert Purcelli and Reynold Purcelli
Business Manager ------------------------------------- Dorothy Luch
Advertising Managers --- Peggy Trysnicky and Rita Verostick
Typists ------------ Helen Rackoczy, Mary Hunter, Betty Blasko,
  Margaret Campitell
Advisers --------------------- Katherine Keenan and John Shuster
Reporters --------- Bob Bartek, Laraine Domen, Connie Dona,
  Jeanette Cunsolo, Barbara Custer, Irene Kingure,
  Dorothy Kluk, Veronika Malik, Sally Morris, Frances
  Tantorno, Flamette Rios, Patricia Stefanick

What Will We Do Without

  Eddie Golish's singing.
  Dick Rizzo's trumpet playing.
  Donna Kough's Dodge.
  Joe Sendek's brains.
  Rose Wargo's voice.
  Mike Hudack's crew cut
  Ralph Facciani's athletic ability.
  Viola Miller's quietness.
  Mary Alice Severine's height.
  Dick Wingard's snazzy convertible.
  Robert Halcovich's legs.
  Hayes Clark's sports managing.
  Frank Berkey's sleeping in P.O.D.
  Margie Makoczy's freckles.
  John Lorenc’s chemistry ability.
  Fred Greene’s women.
  Veronica Malik's decorating the radiator.
  Eddie Damico's black hair.
  Ed Green's leadership
  Leonard Kovach's promptness (?).
  Dorothy Paulochik's dramatic ability.
  Bob Puricelli's wavy hair.
  Irene Kingure's missing school.
  Eleanor Voytko's beauty.
  Joe Daniel's Commercial work.
  Loretta Bricker's friendliness.
  Marlin Mickel's drafting.
  Helen Rakoczy's cheerleading ability.
  Barbara Stone's smallness.
  Gerald Kephart's bothering Miss Murphy.   Mary Ann Blasko's royalty.
  John Hajnos's answers in P.O.D.
  Sue Bounds's advice.
  Pat Saxton's giggles.
  Roland Wise's acting.
  John Waldman's arguments.
  Ray Tantorno's smile.
  Mary Ann Shimko's candy selling.
  "Biddy" McDowell's red hair.
  Ray Harclerode's embalming techniques.
  Connie Dona Period!

Seniors Say Goodbye!

  Veronica Malik - "I can hardly wait."
  Lois Keirn -"I want to graduate but I don't want to leave 302."
  Oscar Tantorno - "About time!"
  Doris Jean Ripple -"I'll be glad to graduate but I'll miss it when I'm out."
  "Jake Sombronski - "Hot Sauce"
  John Campitell - "Three Cheers (If I snake it)
  Mary Ann Stopko - "I'll be glad to get out."
  Ed Steffish -"Good Deal!"
  Bill Dusack -"At Last."
  Shirley Vaneiken - "I won't miss school, but I'll miss my friends."
  Beverly Steeley - 'I'll be glad to get out, but I'll miss my friends."
  Bob Hudy - "So long its been good to know you."
  Doris Schwer - "I'll miss the good times I had cheering and being with my classmates."
  Leo Walkowski "Good Riddance."
  Mary Alice Severine -"I won't miss anything but the kids."
  Joe Daniels - "Hot me nine, tickle my spine, sauce me daddy, Oh! I'm glad to get out of this school."

  The Senior Class has a total of 72 students in the music department of W.H.S. This includes 16 band, 8 orchestra, 13 girl; chorus and 35 mixed chorus.

Seniors Plan Futures

  Here are home of the things the seniors plan to do after they leave school:
  "Biddy" McDowell - Joining the Waves.
  Fanny Novak - Going to Cleveland.
  Evelyn Bucci - Work as a secretary.
  Ronald Weaver - Going to California.
  Mary Ann Blasko - Joining the Air Force.   Peggy Trysnicky - Going to Philadelphia.   Chuck Baughman - Going to Detroit.
  Harriet Horner - Work in Cleveland.
  Dorothy Pevahouse - Work in, Washington.
  Ronald Bahorik - Going to Detroit.
  Eleanor Voytko – Secretary.
  Lorraine Domen - Medical Secretary.
  Bob Hudy-Getting Married.
  Mary Lou Wozniak - Secretary.
  Joe Sendek - College.
  Beverly Steeley - Washington.
  Donna Kough - Joining the Waves.
  Girls going into Nursing:
  Dorothy Adams, Frances Barron, Helen Nosal, Jo Ann Barndollar, Phylis Predko, Sally Morris, Angeline Clyre, Gloria Grimes and Lil Hromack.

Senior Alphabet

  Artistic - John Sombronski
  Bashful - Jack Ott
  Courteous - John Campitell
  Dainty - Irene Kingure
  Energetic - Lil Hrornak
  Friendly - Theresa Benko
  Glamorous - Mary Lou Wozniak
  Happy-go-lucky - Andy Csordas
  Industrious - Joe Polgar
  Jolly - Gerald Kephart
  Katty - Ben Davis
  Loyal - John Hajnos
  Musical - Dick Rizzo
  Nonchalant - John Ishman
  Orderly -Harold Jacobs
  Prompt - John Ripper
  Quiet - Bill Kiss
  Radiant - Sally Evans
  Sweet - Betty Koslap
  Tactful - "Angy" Clyre
  Unique - Don Huston
  Versatile - Steve Benko
  Wishful - Seniors!!
  X-citing - Bill McCuch
  Youthful - Dick Weis
  Zealous - Anna Mae Borovicka

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Dear Underclassmen:
  Down through the years it has been a custom in Windber High School for the Senior Class to will its outstanding characteristics to worthy underclassmen: So I'm saying to those of YOU who are receiving these gifts, "Take care of them. please! We have treated them kindly for the past four years."
  We, the Class of '54, now place their in your capable hands. Here they are! Being of sound mind: we the Seniors of W. H. S. will
  Francey Novak's boy troubles to anyone who wants them.
  Bob Hudy's flirting ability to Bob Dutzman.
  Eleanor Voytko's pretty hair to Honey Rios.
  Helen Rakoczy's cheerleading uniform to Nettie Cunsolo.
  Oscar Tantorno's quietness to Jerry Kiss.
  Rita Verostic's majorette ability to Flo Sendek.
  Dorothy Pevahouse's stature to Gloria Hegedus.
  Barabara McDowell's red hair to Barbara Voytko.
  Sue Grimison's personality to Rose Gogo.
  Don Mandel's suede shoes to Bill Bundy.
  Doris Ripple's manners to Evelyn Costantino.
  Chuck Baughman's dancing ability to Bill Haddad.
  Mary Ann Rosa's charm to "Butchie" Bonitz.
  John Sombronski's artistic talent to Glenn Folk.
  Donna Kough's car to Annalee Paul.
  Bob Tobia's clowning to Tony Yankosky.
  Roland Wise's dramatic ability ,o Tom Jones.
  Mary Anne Landi's freckles to Jimmy Walker.
  Richard Rizzo's musical talent to Ronnie Koot.
  Ed Hordubay's theme writing to Don Standish.
  Rose Wargo's voice to Linda Aldstaldt.
  Terry Fagan's wrestling ability to Paul Keller.
  Bill Kiss's bashfulness to Ed Zofchak.
  Ange Clyre's Stylus responsability to Art Gillareto
  Fran Tantorno’s sense of humor to Betty Petrilla.
  Fred Weaver farming ability to Funk Zeigler.
  Peg Trysnicky's independence to Dorothy Kluk.
  Jim Negrey's blond hair to John Novak.
  Joanne Barndollar's glasses to Alma Alexander.
  Hayes Clark's stature to Ed Nelson.
  Gerry Helsel's height to Evelyn Kush.
  Fred Green's charm to Bill Honadle.
  Andy Csordas pretty eyes to Andy Hancharik.
  Connie Dona's wise cracks to Franny Kush.
  Mary Lou Wozniak's dancing ability to Patty Stefanick.
  Irene Kingure's ability to miss school (and get away with it) to Helen Gentile.
  Joe Sendek's basketball talent to Ken Solden.
  Larry Wirick's tenor voice to Gino Leonardis.
  Mary Anne Stopko's smile to Elaine Pauley.
  Laraine Domen's artistic ability to Mr. Emery.
  Rudy Pristow's ability to steal girl's hearts to Pete Cigan


  For the first time in the history of the two schools, Windber and Shade Township held their proms together, not by any previous arrangement, but by sheer accident.
  On May 7 Shade held their annual Prom, but through some mistake the orchestra failed to show up. When he learned of our neighbors' plight, Mr. Cassler called Shade and invited the students there to come to our Prom.
  The Windber students were glad to welcome the boys and girls from Shade and everyone agrees that they were perfect guests.

Crystal Ball Sees All

  Peering into the crystal ball, we can foretell many things about the seniors. We guarantee that the crystal ball is an absolute fake.
  As our first vision comes into light, we see Ray Harclerode as the head mortician of Windber. Next Lois Keirn appears, happily married to "Piffer" and bring in a little cottage with a picket fence. What's this! Peggy McCune is six feet tall.
  Watch out for the flying glass, because the "mad chemist," Tom Russian, is at it again. The crystal ball now reveals the next Tennessee Ernie, none other than our own Andy Tokarsky. Ron Korzi, we see, is a nationally known saxophone player. "Happy Madge" Kacher is the proud owner of a tiny used car lot located in Scalp Level. We see Tony Tessari as a great English orator.
  Ray Patrick has become a world famous lawyer. Mike Zahurak owns the largest motorcycle shop in the world.
  No tractor is safer than its drivers.

This site managed by Rudy Pristow.

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