Windber High School Class of 54
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Uncle Sy

  Well cats, here's Sy, the real gone guy once again. Aunt Liz's liver is finally digging the doctor and it's back on its pastel blue pegged hinge once again. Well, enough of this liver lip, so let's breeze on!

Case No. 1
Dear Uncle Sy
  I've been stashing around with a regular clown but my eyes keep wandering towards a handsome Harry who doesn't know I exist. What can I do to drop the deadhead and pick up with that smooth man?

  Dear Uncle Sy:
  Let him know he's a shmoo and he'll go. Play up to that cool guy, give him the "third degree" and he'll goof sooner or later.

  Case No. 2
  Dear Uncle Sy:
  My dad, who is a deep-pocket lad, has been keeping the dough low. How can I get the cabbage slippin without hire flippin? Lovingly yours,
Your Nephew, Fred Jr.

  Dear Nephew:
  Tell Fred he's a dead-head. Hop into the wheels and head posthaste for the Citizens National. You'll find plenty of hay but leave it lay. He'll get the jitters and sooner or later turn to a good Sam to keep you out of a jam. By then he'll really dig down and you can go to town.
Uncle Sy

  Case No. 3
  Dear Uncle Sy:
  I've been a hopped up fan of yours ever since you first crashed this crazy mixed up column. How about chucking up a foto of the face. Huh, Kid?
Your admirer, Petunia Puttsigetti

  Dear Petunia:
  Due to circumstances beyond my control and reasons referring to the 5th Amendment, I won't answer your request.
  Yours truly, Uncle Sy
  P. S. Drop in at the nearest post office-they have quite a few fotos of me there!
  Well bye for now my little hopped up kats, now I must get my earth pads headed toward the "boondocks." In plain square" Can't delay; must hit the hay."
Uncle "Sy"

The staff Lowdown

 They find fault with the editor;
  The stuff we print is rot.
 The papers about as peppy
  As a cemetery lot-
 Each page shows poor arrangement,
  The jokes the say are stale.
 The upper clansmen holler,
  The lower clansmen wail.
 But when the paper's printed
  And each issue is on file,
 If someone missed a copy
  You can hear him yell a mile:

March Birthdays:

 1-Steve Beretzel.
 Rose Marie Hickey.
 Peggy McCune.
 Richard Phillips.
 Ronald Weaver.
 2-Colette Imgrund.
 3-Charles Finnegan.
 5-Shelva Barnes.
 6-Andrew Tokarsky.
 7-Nick Beckey.
 8-Beth Paul, Bill McCuch.
 9-Eddie Damico.
 10-wilma Novak, Esther Alex.
 Bill Wargo.
 11-Margaret Zahurak.
 12-Kathryn Smith.
 13-Joe Kush.
 Joe Waltos.
 Dolores Pletcher.
 14-Irene Gafeney.
 Joe Sendek.
 Mary E. Maxwell.
 15-Charles Baughman.
 Lorraine Di Gulio.
 Joseph and Josephine Koharchik.
 17-Frank Berkey.
 Arthur Palumbo.
 Clarence Thomas.
 18-Jean Koot.
 Carol Pristow.
 Charles Lamb.
 21-Andy Csordas, Peggy Trysnicky.
 22-Walter Pruchnic.
 Mary Ann Tallion.
 Gary Weaver.
 Charlotte Helsel.
 Vernon Gordon.
 23-Joyce Balser.
 John and Tom Sloan.
 24-Geraldine Helsel.
 25-Marcia Weaver.
 26-Pete Maurizio, Ronald Strapel.
 27-Judy Stoy.
 Joseph Ledney.
 Delores Mitchell.
 Allen Noble.
 28-Bob Dutzman.
 Edward Walters.
 James Salko.
 29-Marie Gettings.
 Bill Hcffman.
 Joseph Sepety.
 Gerald Zack.
 30-Ed. Hordubay, Richard Beradone.
 31-Bill Russian.

Cupid's Arrows

  Steady Arrows: Emily Greybeck, "Yunc" Novak; Sally Morris, Joe Polgar; Angie Clyre, Dave Rios; Lil Hromack, Mike Tokarsky; Fran Tantorno, Ron Meyers; Charmaine Kapash, Dick Rizzo.
  Broken Arrows: Franey Novak, "Cookie" Bededa; Dorothy Patrick, Mike Pruchnic; Mary Lou Stevens, Dick Phillips; Carol Sanders, Larry Zimmerman ; Franny Kush and Joe Letosky.
  Make Believe Arrows: Connie Dona, "Snuffy" Wargo; Flo Sendeck, Roland Wise; Mary Lou Wozniak, "Chuckie" Baughman; Ed Hordubay, Ann Rizak; Erma Zack, "Dutchie" Mauger; Fred (Sig) Greene, "Doebread" Domen; and Bobbie Knect, "Biddy" McDowell.
  The Maple Queen contest is going to be held on February 24th at the Johnstown War Memorial.
  The applause from the audience counts a great deal in determining the winner of this contest. Eleanor Voytko is going to try to do her best to win the contest for Windber High. So let's do our part and go down to the War Memorial and cheer her on. This contest is one of the most important events of the year.
  No one from W. H. S. has ever been selected Queen of this contest.
  Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a winner this year? Come on, kids! Support Eleanor by going down and applauding her on to become Maple Queen VII.
Established 1926
Published in Windber, Penna.
by the Journalism Class
The Students of Windber High School
Editor ----------------------------------------------------- Lillian Zvolerin
Co-Editor ------------------------------------------- Barbara McDowell
Feature Editor ------------------------------------------- Donna Kough
Exchange Editors --------- Frances Novak and Mary Ann Landi
Sports Editors -------------- Robert Purcelli and Reynold Purcelli
Business Manager ------------------------------------- Dorothy Luch
Advertising Managers --- Peggy Trysnicky and Rita Verostick
Typists ------------ Helen Rackoczy, Mary Hunter, Betty Blasko,
  Margaret Campitell
Advisers --------------------- Katherine Keenan and John Shuster
Reporters --------- Bob Bartek, Laraine Domen, Connie Dona,
  Jeanette Cunsolo, Barbara Custer, Irene Kingure,
  Dorothy Kluk, Veronika Malik, Sally Morris, Frances
  Tantorno, Flamette Rios, Patricia Stefanick

King Of Hearts

  The King of Hearts for this year is Joe Rubal. Joe is 15 years old, is 5 ft. 9 in. and weighs 160 pounds. He has brown hair and green eyes.
  He is often seen with Emil Petrilla, Bob Sombronski, Ed Petro, and Albert Kolson. His favorite sports and pastimes are fishing and hunting. Red Skelton is his favorite T.V. star and beef is his favorite food.
  Mrs. Shaffer is high on his list of teachers. Study hall is his favorite subject. He has the General Course and his future ambition is to study wild life. Good luck to you, Joe Rubal.

Search Is On

  It seems that some real frantic kats gave me a nervous tip that some square answering to the name of the "Manhattan Rat" has hit the kcal scene.
  Now it's my job to dispatch this dizzy kat in cut-time. Dad, this case is the most to say the least. My head-flaps picked up the tip that this "Big Joe" is stashed in a frantic bungalow with wall to wall flooring and a weather vane up in some real wild place called "35."
  Man, it must be just the craziest! I also hear the "Rat" has some chicks in 203, 206 300, and 211 absolutely flippin' over the hopped-up notes he's been adverti._ina. Daddy-o, you are the farthest.
  Seeing as I haven't got much to go on, I'd appreciate it if some wild child in W. H. S. could slip me some clues on this cool case, then the "Manhattan Rat" will really be gone. Until next time, I'll be casing the light purple streets of "35" hunting the "Manhattan Rat" ! !
-Sam Shovel

Couple Of The Month

  Again, we have a new couple of the month. They are Marilyn Manges and John Sloan.
  Marilyn is 5 ft. 31/2 in., has eyes of brown, brown hair and weighs 125 pounds. John is 5-ft. 10-in., has bluish-green eyes, light brown hair and weighs 140 lbs.
  If you should ever be looking for Marilyn and John, just take a stroll to Rummel, and you will be sure to find them.
  Marilyn is a freshman who is in Mrs. Probert's home room. She has the college course. Dancing and skating are her favorite pastime, besides being with John. "From the Vine came the Grape" is tops on her song list.
  John is a junior who is in Miss Murphy's home room. He has the general course. When John isn't at Marilyn's house, he is working away at Oatman's Service Station on Fourth Street. "From the Vine came the Grape" is also his favorite song.

Case Half Solved

Policeman: (calling up station). "A man has been robbed down here, and I've got one of them." Chief: "Which one have you?" Policeman: "The man that was robbed.”
Shawnee Echo

Queen Of Hearts

  The Sophomore Queen of Hearts for 1954 is Myrna Kiern. Myrna is 15 years old, stands 5 ft. 6 in. and weighs 123 lbs. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is usually seen with Beth Paul and her favorite pastime is listening to the radio. You can reach her by calling 398-J.
  Her favorite food is "Pigs in the blanket." She likes the song "Alone," and the Four Knights. On television she thinks Eddie Fisher can't be beaten.
  In school Miss Weaver rates tops with Myrna, while there is no special subject that she cares for. She is an active member in the Jr. Y-Teens. She is taking the college course and her future ambition is to be a nurse.


  In a Valentine page for all who have ever loved, Ruth Imler, Sub-Deb Editor of the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, tells of "The Love of Your Life" in the February issue.
  The whole thing starts, she says, a few minutes after you're born. You're in love, you're in love, you're in love-with yourself! Babies begin to love their parents only when they discover how their parents love them-and they begin to learn the secret of love the day they return mother's smile.
  Love's next step, with brothers and sisters, is a little harder to take. They pull your hair and mess up your room if they're younger than you; they try to boss you and make fun of you if they're older than you. But you DO love them, and they love you. And you learn the important business of give-and-take in this kind of love.
  Love for your best girl friend is a "we-against-the-world" feeling that can be mighty comforting on a gray morning when you've just flunked an algebra test. Through this kind of close companionship, you discover your own personality. But, advises Ruth, don't let a friendship like this become exclusive. If you have only ONE friend, you're strangling her -and true love broadens, not narrows. 0
  "The only boy in the world" happens at least once-sometimes dozens of times-to nearly every high school girl. It's breathless and romantic and exciting. Maybe it's "puppy love," maybe it's real, says Ruth-but Time's the test.
  Finally, with qualities of all the other kinds of love you've ever known comes The Love, if you're lucky. Although a girl is usually past her teens before she discovers the man she wants to marry, says Ruth, she can prepare for that kind of love now.
  Horses are not considered dangerous, yet according to National Safety Council figures, they account for more accidents than any other farm animal. Three of the five Pennsylvanians killed by farm animals in 1953 were killed by horses.

  Bedford County contributed much to the unique and romantic frontier history of Pennsylvania.
Subscribe for the Hi-Times.

Record Rack

   Well, kids, here we are again with the Record Rack.
   In addition to our regular record review we have an extra write-up on some personalities.
   As far as top hits in our district and across the nation are concerned, here is how it stands.
   The Hilltoppers singing "Alone" and "Till Then" are two records that are popular with Windber students.
   Frankie Laine has two popular records out; they are "Granada" and "Lonesome Song."
   Eddie Fisher's recording of "0 My Papa" was a sensation in the music industry. "Stranger In Paradise," which is No. 1 across the nation, has three different arrangements.
   The Four Aces sing it with a swing and Tony Bennett and Tony Martin sing it slow but nice.
   Georgie Shaw's version of "Till We Two Are One" is a song that has been predicted to go far.
   Another song that is in the limelight is "Make Love To Me." The Four Knight's new tune, "The Way I Feel Tonight," is quite popular.
   No we'd like to dedicate a few songs. For Helen Nosal and Don we dedicate "If Love Is Good To Me," by Nat King Cole.
   For Jean Ann Koot and Eddie Nelson we dedicate with great pleasure, "I'll Wait For You." For the budding romance of Janet Mickey and Bill Honadle we dedicate "You're My Everything," by Joni James.
   For Eleanor Rizzo and "Plunker" Tokarsky we have a few jazzy numbers by Ralph Flanagan, "Peter Piper Boogie" and "Something Special."
   For all the kids who like to jitterbug, we dedicate "Pat-a-Cake," by Bill Haley's Comets and "Marie."
   For the fifth and sixth period Chemistry class and Mr. Wingard we dedicate "Secret Love."
   Some of the newer songs that are becoming quite popular are "Y'All Come" by Bing Crosby;
   Eartha Kitt's "Somebody Bad Stole de Wedding Bell,' and "It Happened Once Before," by the Four Freshmen.
   We haven't heard from Julius La Rosa for a long time but he started the new year off right with a tune called "Big Bell, Little Bell."
   Oh, we almost forgot, we would also like to dedicate one more song for Nettie Cunsolo and Nick Beckey. It's "Is It Any Wonder," by Joni James.
   That's all this month, kids. See you next time with more of the same.

What If

     1 - Mike were spin a top instead of Spinazolla.
     2 - Joan were juicy fruit instead of Adams.
     3 - Mary Kay were fisher instead of Hunter.
     4 - Katherine were oatmeal instead of Oatman.
     5 - Martha were gong instead of Bell.      6 - Donna were wolf instead of Lamb.      7 - Bill were bed instead of Bunk.
     8 - Carole were weekly instead of Daily.
     9 - Pete were cigar instead of Cigan.
     10 - Jim were bread instead of Crum.
     11- John were holler out instead of Hollerin.
     12 - Peggy were mountain instead of Hill.
     13 - Allen were knight instead of Noble.
     14 - Jack were should instead of Ott.
     15 - Lydia were gooseberry instead of Roseberry.
     16 - Nancy were weak instead of Faint.
     17 - Bernard were splash instead of Ripple.
     18 - Jim were bow-wow instead of Bowser.
     19 - Shirley were heartburn instead of Lamburn.
     20 - Eleanor were mouthpiece instead of Reed.
     21 - Jane were order instead of Law.
     22 - Bill were hug instead of Kiss.
     23 - Robert were elbow instead of Sabo.
     24 - Dudley were Heinz instead of Hunt.
     25 - Rose were stop-stop instead of Gogo.
     26 - Bill were red instead of Greene.
     27 - Ray were cook instead of Baker.
     28 - Andrew were groggy instead of Hazy.
     29 - Richard were orchard instead of Grove.

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